Saturday, April 18, 2015


Since I am #1 crappy blogger right now, I'm just going to quickly catch up so I can move on. 
So this is what we have been up to...
Locked ourselves out 2 more times and ended up having to drill through our doorknob and replacing it! Super fun!
Spent way too much time eating Tillamook ice cream and watching parks and rec together.
A lot of hanging out and eating popcorn with Ryan and Amanda (law school friends) and Jon. 
A lot of park and library time with Heidi and hazel (and Stori's best bud Capri).
Stori went to her first friend princess party for her good friend Lidia. Sylvie crashed the party too.
A few visits to see daddy while he studies all the live long day.
Dan has managed to stay sane (so far) during finals week(s). And we actually got to go swimming altogether! He won #1 husband and daddy that day. Especially because he got pizza for dinner and then took Stori on a date that night! All during finals! Anyway...
Sylvie turned 20 months and has convinced herself that she is potty trained. Says she needs to go "Poo-poo-potty" several times a day and very rarely goes, but she thinks she does! :)
She has mastered the game 'pretend sleep.'
Stori randomly took 2 naps while cuddling with me. (Note that both times I was covered in drool by the time she woke up).
Spent most of the days out in the sunshine and a few of the days stuck inside during the snowstorms. 
Tried something new-->Each day, Stori requests some kind of princess hair, but last Sunday Stori told me she wanted "Lila hair." Well, in my brain I thought... Well Lila has bangs, and Stori doesn't, and I'm a clearly a trained hairdresser, so let's do this. WHAT was I thinking? This was Stori's first time ever getting her hair cut, EVER, and she kept asking me why I broke her hair and if I could just put her long curls back on her hair. Poor thing.

And lastly, we discovered that we will be moving to Idaho a month sooner because the law firm Dan will be at, is going to trial on May 11th, and they want him there to observe that. AND he might do a second externship in Logan Utah! It would be a great experience since its in our top 2 places to live. Plus it would give him more credits, and that means less credits he would have to take his last semester. But he's trying to decide if he wants to work instead, so we can make money since the externships don't pay.
And thus ends the longest catch up post of all time.

^^^ a few of her pretend sleeping
^^this bean game can entertain them for over an hour
^the princess preschool storytime. Holding hands with her friend Capri 
^sylvie, hazel, and Kate in age order. Each 3 months apart.
^this potty picture reminds me so much of a potty picture of me when I was little.
^playing out on the balcony that's off our master bedroom. They usually play out there while I get ready.
^the party crasher
^^^Stori, Capri, Lidia 

^^ baby ruuuuuuuth
^^swimming in the lazy river at the Rec center
^incognito SJ. Didn't realize she wore the hat until we got all loaded in the stroller.

^^the broken hair... :(

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Idaho Easter and Gen conf

Easter 2015 was another success. It went by so fast, but the whole weekend was so much fun. This is the first time we have lived away from family, so it felt weird to be the first ones to leave the party!

^^idaho or bust

Granny and towers.
Caught her mid word, "ball."

The littles getting the instructions for the 
   Easter egg hunt 

Stori was devastated that she didn't find the golden egg... But uncle Joel hid some silver eggs for each family. Seemed to make her happy 

^^the kids look extra grumpster cause we paused the swinging for a picture. My kids are the luckiest kids in this whole world---they were born into a family with the coolest cousins ever! 

^^and this is how we listen to conference! ;)
I have some much better pictures on dans camera, but I realized how behind I am getting because I keep waiting to put those on. So I will add them later and post now.