Friday, March 9, 2012

Spider, Scream, Stori, Sleep, Sun, Sweet

 I did it. I killed a
*SPIDER!!! that stupid stinkin spider was crawling on the ceiling above us and I was forced to keep my eye on it until it was time for Stori's nap. I lay her down and come back to watch the spider that is now on the wall. (I was planning to wait for SDR to come home and kill it). After 1.5 hrs and several phone calls for back up, i decide to attack. Turns out that it's a jumping spider and just as i strike it jumps to the couch! that's were i
*SCREAM. then i scream again. Now i have to hide in Stori's room until she wakes up. Thank goodness that the jumping spider jumped from the couch to the window or else we would be forced to move and leave the couch behind. Long story short, i killed it with dan's shoe. The things I do to protect my sweet daughter
*Stori. She has been such a happy girl now that her sickness is gone. She is ALMOST crawling, I suspect tomorrow she'll grow out of the army crawl and advance to the real thing. She pulls herself up to a standing position now and will stand for so long without help. She also turns off the light in her bedroom and gets so excited. Today Astoria decided that she was really tired and needed to
*Sleep.  I decided that I didn't want to wrap her up because her daddy said she can't be a little burrito baby when she's 30 so we need to start now. Well I laid her down, put her blanky by her, placed the bink, and left. 2 hours later we had a well rested, unwrapped Stori who was ready to go outside in the
*Sun. We went on a long relaxing walk and even got hot. She giggled every time I went fast. We can't wait for Spring or Summer. We'll take either. When we returned home I took a few pics of my
*Sweet Stori Sweet Stuffs in the Sunshine before another sleep.

Love her. 
Can't wait for SDR to get off work for the weekend. 
Love him.


  1. It can't be! Those still fit Millie! I just showed these adorable pics to her and she said "oh I wish those clothes were mine!" See what I mean about it never getting any easier? P.S. I need you to fix my blog muy mucho!
