We have been in our cute townhome since January of 2018. We have the best neighborhood, filled with so many little girls!! and they all seem to be Sylvie's age exactly. Wish there were more kids stori's age, but she is so good at hanging out with all of us anyway. I am fine to live her as long as we need to, but daaaang, I am craving a home of our own. We have the greatest landlord that hasn't raised our rent once, so we are doing pretty well considering. We love hanging out in our yard with all the other parents until the sun goes down. we love living so close to Majestic Elementary, so that we can walk, scooter, and bike ride there every day. When it comes to our home, we really can't complain too much. Just really wishing we weren't paying another mans mortgage haha.
Dan still really likes his job and the people he works with. He has been offered several jobs over the past 4 years, but keeps sticking with this one. Just last night he turned down a job that he really thought he was going to take. It was in Idaho Falls, and the bosses seem to be really great guys! We thiiiink we want to end up back in Idaho, so we thought this would be the job to take us there. But after praying about it, dan ultimately decided to decline it and see if something better comes up. His current job is so flexible and pays pretty decent, so it will have to be something that is just as flexible for him to take it. Not sure if we buy a house in the mean time and start earning some equity, or hold off for a good job in Idaho--if one exists.
Stori is in 4th Grade and is finally starting to be shy around boys haha. We have a girl code and she is only allowed to tell me and her sisters who her crush is. Daddy is not allowed to know. Same thing applies with Sylvie, but she's not that shy about them yet haha. Stori has really great friends in her class. she loves going to school so much because she loves to learn, she loves her teacher, and she really loves her friends. She is the top in her class in all subjects (maybe even top in her entire grade). She reads several chapter books A DAY! She loves being outside so much, and will ride her bike and roller blade any time the weather permits it. She also wants to start running so she can train for the halloween 5k this year. She still loves cuddling with mom, and I love it even more.
Sylvie is in 2nd grade and has recently been bitten by the reading bug. She is cruising through chapter books now too, and has become the top 2 in her class in math. Which is HUGE, because she hated math so much for the first part of the year. She is the most social girl I have EVER met, and will literally make friends with everyone she sees. She could still play 24/7 and that would not be enough. She is great friends with her sisters also, and Georgia loves getting to play barbies with her. Sylvie has great friends around the neighborhood, and has super great friends at school. She is a tender little thing and doesn't like it when she sees someone without a friend. She will be the first to step up and invite them to play. If you ever challenge her to a race, be prepared to lose. that girl is seriously so fast!!
Georgia is home with me for only a few more months until preschool starts in September. I imagine I will be crying like a wee little baby when that happens. She is my best little sidekick, my shadow, my shopping buddy, my running buddy, and my bran muffin eater. We literally spend every minute of the day together. When I do something great (like making dinner she likes or reading her favorite book to her) she rewards me with hugs and kisses. Last week at the end of our run I ended up beating dan to our "finish line," and she congratulated me and said she would spend the entire next day just giving me hugs and kisses. haha. I''ll take it. She is so smart beyond her years. Knows all of her shapes, letters, numbers, and even knows how to play Sleeping Queens (card game) all on her own. She's great on her bike and scooter, and will literally go faster than us. She's recently started having sleepovers with her sisters and I've never seen her happier.
Me. Just living and loving that stay at home life so much. I get to take/pick up the girls from school every day, get to hang out with Georgia while they are gone, I get to go shopping to Target and TJ Maxx when we get bored, and I get to pretend to make dinner every night. My hobbies have included long runs with dan when he gets home from work, scouring Zillow for hours looking for a home, and then watching show with dan after the kids are in bed. Oh, and casually eating entire bags of Cadburry eggs in one day. can't stop. Oh, and I also cut 11" off my hair and feel like a whole new person. And I feel like an adult because we have a Costco card. Go us.