Friday, March 30, 2018

Georgia Belle turns ONE!!!

If I'm being honest, I just want to say that I think Georgia is about the cutest thing in this whole world. She has the cutest little face that I just want to smooch all over. She is such a sweet little addition to this Radford clan! 
She is officially one, and she has a few accomplishments to be proud of:
*Sleeping from 7:30pm-8am, then takes 2 naps during the day
eats all the things. except milk. I've tried switching her to whole milk, but she just throws it on the floor haha. sure hope she starts liking it soon, because I ran out of formula and don't want to spend another $30 for just a week or two. 
*I still nurse her in the morning and before bed, and hope to do so for a long time. 
*Hates her diaper being changed, hates having her clothes changed, hates waiting for food haha.
*Loves me, her sisters, HER DAD, doggies, looking out the window, playing outside on the grass, swinging, going down slides, taking all the stuff out of all the drawers, climbing the stairs, any toy bin where she can take all the toys out, cruising on her walking toy, baths, shopping at Lee's in the carty-carts, going for walks outside, and loves staring at new people in our home. She sort of just freezes and doesn't do anything until she warms up to them. Aaron and Haley came to our house last week and Haley walked into Georgia's room while she was laughing at Sylvie and Stori... Georgia laughingly looked at Haley and then went frozen. No more laughing or show of any emotion haha. It's kinda cute.
*she says, dada, mama, banana, hi, nigh-nigh, screams when not fed fast enough, and does some animal sounds. will occasionally say thank you, and when climbing the stairs, she copies us and says, "go georgie." but obviously not everyone would be able to understand her, just us. ha
*has 4 teeth. the top 2 teeth just barely popped through, and they are going to be big ha.

Man we love this little human so dang much! we loved celebrating her birthday.
We decorated the house, hung a giant 1 balloon from her high chair, gave her bran muffins and eggs for breakfast, greek cherry yogurt and cottage cheese for lunch, and her favorite homemade spaghetti for dinner. We gave her a big cupcake, and she was very hesitant. she ate a few bites and was done. I'm going to make her a doll cake while we are in Idaho next weekend, so I will see if she likes it more then. We also played outside all day and did a little photoshoot of her outside in the sunshine. She had the tiniest little pony tail and it was enough to kill me it was so cute!
Happy Birthday Georgia Belle! Love you SOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!

Georgia Peach

bran muffins for breakfast

This little scene is kinda scary actually. Apparently Georgia reached the wipes while she was suppose to be napping and pulled all of them out of the container. Most of them had bites eaten out of them. I have no idea how she didn't choke on any of them!!! Scared me so bad when I walked into see her crib like this. I wish I would have taken a picture of her sleeping with wipes all over her, but I had to make sure she was alive before I could take a picture. Her room did smell really good though!

dress up with cousins. After this she put on her cute little mermaid costume.

Every time I go into her room to check on her, or wake her up, this is how she is sleeping. OUCH!

these next few pictures are her 11 month photo shoot... I never got around to posting about that.

happy first birthday Georgia Belle Radford. we love you!

Monday, March 26, 2018

a few less teeth and some easter dresses.

2 weeks ago, Stori crashed hard on our kitchen floor, and knocked her two front teeth almost all the way out. Before that happened, one was kind of loose, but the other was going to be there for a long time. Not even kind of loose. Her gums immediately turned black, and she was in a lot of pain--and completely freaked out by all the blood! We called uncle Corey and he said to go ahead and pull them. But stori wasn't quite ready that night, so we pulled them a few days later. All i had to do was tie the floss on there and they pretty much just fell out. She looks so dang cute with 3 missing teeth. 5 gone in total.
 Dan and I had to speak at church on Sunday, and it actually wasn't as bad as i was thinking it would be. Dan did great, and had so many guys come up to him telling him he could speak every week. Probably because he talked about hiking mountains, and these guys all like hiking. I think he will make some great friends because of that talk haha.
those cute missing teeth 

 her bottom permanent teeth fill the gap of where her top teeth are haha. So cute! AND I LOVE THESE LITTLE HUMANS! Georgia didn't have a matching dress, but next year they WILL be matching, i hope!. Still cute
 nice shot of the missing teeth here

these snow pictures are taken about 2 minutes after pulling her teeth
then the next day was 65* this is such a weird spring!!! it also snowed this sunday. whyyyyyy??

the house is the same, but the stuff isn't

So far in Harrisville; we have owned 3 couches. (technically 2 couches and a futon---haha sorry dan, that was never going to happen). took back our super cute, uncomfortable mid century couch, and traded it for this monster. It's hard to tell how big this couch really is, but we LOVE it! Dan's feet don't even touch the ground haha. We also took back my dream orange chair because it just didn't fit sadly. Next house. We have owned 5 rugs... some too small, others just ugly, and then this one fits just right. We've also had 2 ottomans, but currently own both still. Need to sell one of those, sell our giant rocking chair, and I'll probably sell my urgo baby too. Georgia just doesn't love it, as much as i wanted her to. At this point, we are getting really good at buying and selling things. At this very moment, this is how our living room/kitchen look.

We took a weekend and made these shelves. I love them so much. and so cheap too! really adds a lot to our house I think.
Our house may look completely different next week so stay tuned haha.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

in the house

Astoria Rose created this beautiful masterpiece. I purchased it for 25 cents, and it hangs up in our living room. I love it soooo much. The colors she chose, the shapes of the flowers, the uniform height, and the overeall feel of the piece brings me such happiness. She was so excited when I told her it was going on our living room wall. She instantly created "astoria's art museum," and will put up the open sign when one of her pieces is complete and ready to sell. As i write this, I'm reminded of a picture I have of Stori in Jackson, WY. She is in front of the store, "Astoria. Fine Art." I'll have to show her that.

I LOVE this nightly scene. Playing cards with dad. I will join them if Georgia is asleep, but i'm usually on the ground playing with her. They are so cute to watch though.

We FINALLY started decorating our walls. I' didn't take an after photo, dang it! But dan was so great, and hung up all these photos. They are all candid shots of our family that we printed and framed. We want to add more this weekend. All the other walls are now officially decorated as well. It feels so much more homey to me.

This is our new car....... for the moment. haha. Dan isn't completely certain he is going to keep it, but for now it gets him to work, and does so with great gas mileage. But we are kinda thinking we want a regular sedan so that we can use that to take some family trips without putting a ton of miles on the van, and to drive something a bit cheaper. But who knows. 

And this little picture of princess mom mom, by sylvie. 


Valentines day is also Sylvie's half birthday! She said she was more excited about that, than Valentines day. She is happy to be 4 1/2 even if it included zero celebrating. haha. I did make her kitty nose a heart instead of just a regular kitty nose, and she thought that was great.

chasing hearts
and eating all the beans.... and tables.

Sylvie made these valentines for Dan, me (that's us on our wedding day), Stori, and Georgia. I love these drawings almost as much as I love my cute valentines.