Friday, August 5, 2011

newborn pics

Astoria Rose, 4 days old. 
Lots of pictures (but it's okay cause she's so cute). SDR did a GREAT job taking these!

Hazel in the bottom shelf, Astoria with the binky. 2 hungry girls for sure! :)


  1. So so so so cute! She is so beautiful Mel! And I can't believe your husband took those pictures! How very impressive!!! They look professional!

  2. oh my heck she is the cutest!!! I love love love the red hair!

  3. I LOVE all of these pics! Astoria is just beautiful- great photography Dan- and staging! Did you do all that Melanie? Hazel is beautiful, too! Don't want to be prejudiced!! I love both of their names-

  4. LOVE all of the pictures! Astoria is so cute! You will be glad you have those pictures to look back at when she's older :) Love and miss you guys tons!

  5. There's litlle Stori and "Baby Sazel, mam, hodit."

  6. Dan did such a great job. She is super cute!

  7. So dang cute! Dan is quite the photographer! Such great pictures...such an adorable baby! Yeah for you guys!
