Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Our "Campout"

Memorial Day weekend is when people usually venture out into the wilderness to do some camping.
Well this year we decided to be nonconformists.
The rain, wind and muy pregnantness of myself, kept our camping trip to a very local destination.
Our very own living room. 

We grilled up some hamburgers and jo jo's.

Ate on our camping chairs

And even set up our tent.

We decided that we would watch a movie about people camping, so we watched "Last of the Mohicans". haha ok it was a stretch, but we weren't really feeling "The Great Outdoors" at the time. 
And let it be known that I finally stayed awake for the ENTIRE movie! 

After the verryyy long preparation for our campout, we were feeling quite tuckered out. 
The thought of sleeping on the hard living room floor when our soft bed was only 8 steps away was unbearable. 
So we moved the tent to the kitchen, brushed our teeth, and went to our comfy bed. 
Best camping trip ever. 


  1. sounds simply perfect. something I would have done. {set up tent, get all excited about sleeping in the tent, then decide on a comfy bed. twins}

  2. How are you laying on your stomach in that picture when you are 8 months pregnant? I am trying to figure it out but don't get it!
