How it works: All the students turn in their resumes and a list of their top choices of externships. Dan chose 3 in Provo and 1 in Idaho Falls. If law firms are impressed with you, then you get an offer. He got matched before his classmates, and now we are so excited to spend 5 weeks in beautiful Idaho! He is such a hard worker, and is sounding more like a lawyer by the day! ;)
The externship will be unpaid, but good experience to help him decide what area of Law he would like to pursue.
He is in the middle of some intense studying for finals, and this friday is his LAST day of his first semester! His schedule for next semester seems a little bit more chaotic and will be starting earlier and ending later. I have heard from several other people that year 2 is much easier; not sure if the students just pick things up quicker, or if the actual work load is less? We'll find out in time.
And just 2 pictures of this cute Law Student, who never turns down a cuddle.
WHAT??? that is awesome news! When is this externship? I secretly was hoping for a miracle move to Denver from you guys though...