Tuesday, April 3, 2018

hotel swimming with family in SLC

My sister Bridget and her kids came from Oregon for their spring break, and as part of their trip, they got a hotel in SLC. We went and swam with them and then out to eat at In-n-Out. we had so much fun, and got home way too late, but it was spring break for Stori, so just dan and I suffered the consequences. Emmy and baby Theodore came from SLC, and Maddie came from Provo to join us. My kids loves swimming with some cousins. (and I enjoyed sitting in the hot tub while my nieces took care of my kids haha).

Georgia loved baby Theodore! she just hugged and hugged him!

^^that hand holding!! Oh, and Theodore is 3 months old, and Georgia is 1... almost the same size! haha. Love them!


  1. what a beautiful place you live in.How perfect what you guys love to do.

  2. hi Sherlene, we sure missed you at Easter! we love just being up in the mountains. Hopefully we get to hike them soon! :)
