Wednesday, December 13, 2017

our next adventure--is it too good to be true?

Back in September, Dan was offered an attorney position in Twin Falls, ID. We were excited, and even went over and signed our housing contract. Well on our way home both of us really started to get this sick feeling. Long story short, we ended up turning the job down. So fast forward to October for another job offer, this time in Riverdale, UT. Dan was in contact with them off and on for about a month. He really wasn't quite sure what to think about them. In response to his application, they just replied with an email that said, "Why would you want to relocate to Utah for this job, especially when the BYU football team sucks so bad right now." that was it. haha
So they sent some pretty funny emails back and forth. We really got a good laugh reading them each time.
You've probably gathered that these attorneys aren't your typical lawyers... for further proof, instead of a formal interview, they just took him out to lunch and talked for 2.5 hours. Partly about the job, but mostly about other stuff. I actually think that's a good way to do it. Every application they get is filled with super smart Law School grads, but they wanted to make sure that they would actually get along with the person before hiring them. So they left the lunch and told Dan to go talk with me and they would let him know.

But their quirky ways don't end there:
  Dan texted them to ask if they had made a decision yet, and all the partner said was:
---"Sorry, I don't know who this is."
so dan replied a little defeated...
*"Steven Radford."
(and while dan was texting him back he said...)
---"Just kidding, i know who this is, and we are excited for you to start work."
Haha dan nearly had a heart attack.
.....I think I like those guys.... funny, sometimes sarcastic, but still good guys that are actually both in the bishopric.
So that was one of our options. He also interviewed with a judge in Twin Falls and was offered that position. It would have been good experience, but he ended up turning Twin Falls down for the second time and has an interview in Logan tomorrow.  haha. He's not sure if he will end up going to the interview, but he kind of wants to go, just so he doesn't have to always wonder. *update. he decided to not go to that interview, but is headed to an interview in Provo this evening. Which is our dream location. He has actually had 2 Provo interviews set up recently. He interviewed with one last monday also. 

He actually started the Riverdale job December 4th, so I guess that is where this next adventure will take us! So crazy to think about. I really think this job is a good fit for dan. The two partners take him out to lunch everyday and really stress that they want dan to focus on family and having hobbies. They said they didn't want to hire someone who was really "lawyerly," and hate when lawyers are stuck up and hot headed. They also said they swear occasionally and have been known to brandish fire arms. Hello! that is totally dan. haha. They actually talk guns at their lunches, and they made fun of him for wearing a suit to meet them. haha.  Plus he will be a private contractor, so they can't tell him when he can and can't work, or how many hours he has to put in. If he wants to work 10 hrs or 40 hrs, it's up to dan. The two partners never work more than 30hrs a week because they spend time doing other fun things. That makes me happy. I hope it is a great fit.
As it is now, Dan comes home friday after work, and stays until Monday morning. He leaves here around 7am to get to work by 10---again, he told them he wants to start work later on mondays so he can have the whole weekend with his family, and they are A-OK with that! He stays with our good friends in Kaysville Monday night -Thursday night. Hopefully the girls and I will move down there with him after Christmas--just in time for Stori to start school fresh in January. Hopefully! housing is so expensive, so we need a few paychecks before we officially move. We also wanted to make sure this was a legit job first too haha. It just seems too good go be true!! only time will tell.

I'm very excited to get going with dans career, but also very sad that our kids will have to move during the school year, and away from family. Good thing they are young and make friends really easily. It's still a little sad to see them say goodbye to their best little friends all the time. stability is for the birds.

 A twin falls picture to document us living there, and then not living there. ha
and I just like this picture of me sitting on the couch eating a chocolate pudding while dan cleans. ha.

p.s. there is actually one good thing of having dan out of town--i get the sappiest love texts from him all week haha. He sure misses his family. and i have screen shots of his texts to keep forever, but he would probably kill me if I posted them. ;)
okay, I'll post just one... but I will make it really small and hard to read haha.
p.p.s. I may have been a little too excited that the firm is located in RIVERDALE. i mean, what a cool name for a show, and a city! ;)

Rigby Light Parade

The little old town of Rigby, Idaho is really starting to do a lot of fun family things. Every year they do a "midnight madness" for all the business in town (all 3 of them---jokes)....but they have a light parade that goes down main street, and all the business are open and some handing out free goodies. Like where my mom works, The Caramel Tree. they handed out free hot cocoa and dipped marshmallows... tasted so good on this cold night watching the parade. We invited Dan's parents, and met up with Josh's family too. It was so fun. 
We got to sit on Santa's lap for the THIRD time this year, and the kids asked for yet another new thing from him. haha. this should be fun.

 Sylvie sure snuggled up nice and close. After she realized that she didn't ask for what she really wanted. So I asked her what it was she did  want and she replied, "I'm not going to tell you, I know that Santa already knows what I actually do want, and he will get it for me...." oh boy.

A frigid family photo. So glad to have Dan home on the weekends!

Princess academy life.

Sylvie had her field trip last week, and we got to go see the Nutcracker. This little Nutcracker LOVED watching this play. She sat on the chair with her little buddy and didn't move the whole time. When it was time to go, she asked if she could keep watching more and if we could bring stori back to come watch it again. I was kinda shocked that she liked it so much. 

 I got to be the parent helper, so I got to watch it also. I loved it!

I must upload the recording of this program, because little Sylvie June did SUCH a good job. She was  focused and knew all the dance moves. At one point though, her "friend" pushed her hard down to the ground because she thought she was in her spot. Sylvie popped up and the show went on. After the program, the dance teacher came up and said, "if that would have happened to anyone else, they would have lost it. But sylvie is such a sweetheart and it didn't seem to bother her."

 Sleeping while the dance teacher narrates the program.

 this is Madison. her little BFF from day one of preschool
The ONLY down part about the whole 35 minute program... Stori realized just as she started dancing, that Sylvie is in dance, and she ISN'T. My little Stori rose loves, loves, LOVEs to dance, so it was so hard telling her that sylvie only got to be in dance because it was part of her preschool. Stori cried and cried. Sobbed actually...through the whole performance. It was so sad. When we move, we will HAVE to get her into dance

Radford Polar Express ward party!

This was probably the most attended ward party I have ever been to. When Dan and I pulled up, we assumed it was a stake party. The entire gym was full of people and cinnamon rolls :) The YM in the ward dressed up like waiters and they danced to 'Hot Chocolate,' from the Polar Express. They had giant cardboard trains and ticket booths. Every table was made to look like a train car, and the floor was covered in train tracks that led to different places; like the hot chocolate bar, or the breakfast tables, etc. They had an amazing Santa at the end also. 

After the ward breakfast party, we went to Dan's parents house and the girls watched Polar Express for the first time. It got a little tense at times haha.

I snapped this picture while we were driving to the party in the morning. It was soooo cold, but soooo beautiful.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Self timer family photos!

we decided to take these family pictures about 2 hours before we went and took them. We drove until we saw something kinda pretty, but also something really close because the sun was setting fast. we rummaged through clothes and found some that kind of went together. We didn't hire anyone, we just used the self timer, so our expectations were pretty low. I think some of them turned out though. I especially love the ones of the 3 girls sitting down. So cute!

Georgia Belle is so dang cute, and 8 months old

This little cutie has had a rough 3-4 weeks. After weeks of pulling on her ears and randomly waking up in the night, every night (she's slept through the night since like 2 weeks old, so when she starting waking up at 5am, I was shocked and depressed. She has done it every night since. So sad), we finally took her into the doctor and she had an ear infection, beginning symptoms of pink eye, constipation, and was also teething. Poor little thing. She's already looking much better and she's only been on the antibiotics for one day. Hopefully she can get back to her normal sleep schedule.
Look at those sad red eyes. The reason we didn't take her in sooner, is because she is always just so happy and sweet. So we didn't think she was actually sick! Man I love her.

Trying out Uncle Josh's cute doll beds that he sold at the craft fair.

Hanging out with mama while I blog. Blog inception.

Oh I just love those big brown eyes and that big cute toothless smile!

That face hahahaha

very skeptical. But no doubt on the nice list.

This girl loves bran muffins and eggs so much! We have them every morning together! she also loves all fruit, but vegetables not so much! She is still nursing 4-5 times a day (well....also nursing during the night now too ugh!)

She still isn't crawling or scooting. She will roll, but much prefers to just sit on her cute little bum and play. Also, I love holding her, so that might have something to do with the lack of crawling. :) She can stand while holding onto things, but still not too advanced in that area. I'm just fine with her being a lazy bum, then I don't have to worry about her putting stuff in her mouth all the time, and I don't have to worry about her getting into the Christmas trees. :)

She gets SO EXCITED any time she sees her sisters. Like flapping arms, screeching happily, and jumping out of my arms to get to them. they love it. 

She is starting to get a little nervous around strangers. She doesn't cry at all, but will just stare at them and not give out any smiles at all. None. 

I think she loves being the youngest of all the cousins. She just gets loved on all the time, and never has to be set down. haha. I know I say this all the time, but man oh man I love this little human. I can't believe she will be ONE in just 4 months! :(    but the good news is that in only 4 months, it will be warm weather again haha.