Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Self timer family photos!

we decided to take these family pictures about 2 hours before we went and took them. We drove until we saw something kinda pretty, but also something really close because the sun was setting fast. we rummaged through clothes and found some that kind of went together. We didn't hire anyone, we just used the self timer, so our expectations were pretty low. I think some of them turned out though. I especially love the ones of the 3 girls sitting down. So cute!

Georgia Belle is so dang cute, and 8 months old

This little cutie has had a rough 3-4 weeks. After weeks of pulling on her ears and randomly waking up in the night, every night (she's slept through the night since like 2 weeks old, so when she starting waking up at 5am, I was shocked and depressed. She has done it every night since. So sad), we finally took her into the doctor and she had an ear infection, beginning symptoms of pink eye, constipation, and was also teething. Poor little thing. She's already looking much better and she's only been on the antibiotics for one day. Hopefully she can get back to her normal sleep schedule.
Look at those sad red eyes. The reason we didn't take her in sooner, is because she is always just so happy and sweet. So we didn't think she was actually sick! Man I love her.

Trying out Uncle Josh's cute doll beds that he sold at the craft fair.

Hanging out with mama while I blog. Blog inception.

Oh I just love those big brown eyes and that big cute toothless smile!

That face hahahaha

very skeptical. But no doubt on the nice list.

This girl loves bran muffins and eggs so much! We have them every morning together! she also loves all fruit, but vegetables not so much! She is still nursing 4-5 times a day (well....also nursing during the night now too ugh!)

She still isn't crawling or scooting. She will roll, but much prefers to just sit on her cute little bum and play. Also, I love holding her, so that might have something to do with the lack of crawling. :) She can stand while holding onto things, but still not too advanced in that area. I'm just fine with her being a lazy bum, then I don't have to worry about her putting stuff in her mouth all the time, and I don't have to worry about her getting into the Christmas trees. :)

She gets SO EXCITED any time she sees her sisters. Like flapping arms, screeching happily, and jumping out of my arms to get to them. they love it. 

She is starting to get a little nervous around strangers. She doesn't cry at all, but will just stare at them and not give out any smiles at all. None. 

I think she loves being the youngest of all the cousins. She just gets loved on all the time, and never has to be set down. haha. I know I say this all the time, but man oh man I love this little human. I can't believe she will be ONE in just 4 months! :(    but the good news is that in only 4 months, it will be warm weather again haha.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

The week before, and the week of Thanksgiving

Well. the week before thanksgiving, 4 of the 5 Radfords came down with the flu. But we did it in a very convenient fashion. First it was Sylvie and myself--so dan took care of us and the throw up from sylvie. 2 days later, Dan and Stori became sick. So Sylvie and myself took care of those 2. Well.... technically dan took care of the throw up that day too. He is a saint. He says throw up doesn't bother him like it bothers me, so even when he is sick--he's the upchuck guy! Anyway, enough talk about throw up.

Stori came and woke me up and told me that she wrote me a poem. It is so cute.  I also like that she put the date at the top--such a 1st grade move haha. I love it. "It will be fun to play in the sun. It will be fun to go to the pool. It will be fun 'too' go to the play park." I also love that she originally put d's instead of b's and then changed it. Love her!

The two cuties enjoying some iPad time at Granny and Papa Radfords house while the adults enjoy a peaceful dinner ;)

Stori is in choir at school, and they sang the National Anthem on Veterans Day. She has such a sweet little voice. howeverrrrrr. Her concert was at the same time of preschool drop off, and i tried reallllly hard to get there for it. But i juuuust missed it by like 30 seconds. When i walked up I could see Stori silently crying up in front. As soon as the veterans finished the 21 gun solute, she ran up to me and sobbed. sobbed, sobbed. She really wanted me to be there, and said she looked at all the parents and couldn't help but crying because i was the only mom not there. Man I felt HORRIBLE! #momfail I will be there for her Christmas concert even if I have to spend $1,000 to do so.

Sylvie drew this cute little panda for Dan so he would be happy when he went to work. Such a little sweetie.

Nightly granny snuggles.

While I eat chocolate pudding, he cleans. He wins at life.

Princess Academy thanksgiving feast.

Doing dishes! sweetest little sight.

5-kid carty cart at Home Depot, and one thrilled Dan.
On actual Thanksgiving, we had unusually warm weather. So after dinner, and before pie, we went on a little hike to the Butte. It was a tad windy on the way up, but it had a great view.
A cute little arch with a cute little view of Joel and Miles
Dan telling Joel which Mt. ranges he can see from up there. apparently he could see more than 10.

the hike down wasn't as windy, but Dan was still a gentleman and helped cute mama down the slick parts.

Thanksgiving evening entertainment. There were many games played, many dress up costume changes, dance performances, and talking until 1am.
We got to go see this cute little Santa in Rigby, and the kids asked for something different than what santa already purchased... So now begins the brain washing/convincing them that they want their original gift. haha
I took video of all the thanksgiving tables, but no actual pictures. mental pictures only.

random random random

man, these are all such random photos. But here goes.

End of summer.....

Facing fears and holding dogs.

my mom made us pose because we were all kind of matching haha. Also, before I cut 6in off my hair

Lewisville biker gang.

t-ball team pictures. Cute little mcgoo down in front

Sylvie went to the bathroom, and after about 15 minutes, she starting sobbing and apologizing. So I went up to see what was wrong, and saw all the lipstick allll over her face. She said, "I'm sorry I put on too much lipstick mama. I didn't mean to!" how does one "accidentally" cover their hair, and face with red lipstick hahaha. The garbage was full of toilet paper covered in lipstick. So she tried really hard to clean it up before she freaked out and apologizing. ha. I love her.

My cute nieces trying to teach me snap chat. It was fun for the day, but then I deleted the app. haha. Too much for me!

Delivering treats around Lewisville in the first snowfall of the season. It didn't last longer than a day, thank goodness.